About Cape Foulweather Coffee
A Storm’s Brewing: Named after a rocky outcropping, 500 feet above sea level, on the central Oregon coast, Cape Foulweather Coffee embraces the ever changing coastal weather. During winter storms, wind speeds at the top of Cape Foulweather can reach over 100mph. During the summer, it can be foggy and windy to the north and sunny and hot to the south or vice versa. No matter what side of the cape you are on, or what time of year, it’s a good idea to hold onto your hat and your cup full of award winning Cape Foulweather Coffee. Please keep the following in mind: Coffee is at its peak about a day after roasting. Then it undergoes a natural process of off gassing (staling) resulting in gradual loss of flavor and aroma. Staling happens much faster once coffee is ground, so it is best to buy whole bean and only grind right before brewing. However, our coffee is roasted to order and ground right before it is packaged and shipped, so it will be as fresh as possible and without noticeable loss of flavor or aroma. It is best to store coffee in an airtight, dark container. Do not store in refrigerator or freezer. Grind coffee according to brew method and immediately brew for peak experience. This will give you the best chance at making the perfect cup.Free Shipping on orders of 15 pounds or more